Hazel hesitated, briefly, before flying through the door of the quill shop. Her friends didn't let her come here during the trips because they wanted to go to the Three Broomsticks or somewhere instead of seeing more school items but the young witch loved writing and she ran her finger along the glass in the shop. Bending over a display of the feathery utensils, she spotted a pack of paper at a low price.
Bolting over, Hazel turned it upside down to read the label but was disapointed to find she didn't have enough galleons. She put down the pack and stumbled through the store, aware that she got the same thrill from parchment and quills that her step-mum got from shopping for clothes and others got from quidditch.
But the young Ravenclaw didn't like clothes shopping although she'd been forced into it a lot through the summer because although her stepmother didn't normally like her, she made an exception for 'girl time' a stupid trip that involved shopping and then a stop at the local pub where she'd instruct Hazel to wait in the car for fifteen minutes. It wasn't the sort of rtip she'd enjoyed and now she didn't have enough money to buy what she truly wanted.