Name: Elizabeth "Effy" Kahn
Age: 18
Date of birth: 2 September, 2012
Place of birth: Berlin, Germany
Current living place: Bristol, England during the summer; Berlin, Germany during the school breaks; Durmstrang, Sweden during the school year
Blood status: Half-blood
Year: Seventh
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour&style: Dark brown, usually down, wavy and looks like a hot mess.
Height: 5'6"
Body build: Naturally thin
Other(such as tattoos): Ears pierced once each
Wand: 12", Hawthorn, Thestral hair
Pet(s): A long haired, black and brown daschund named Fred
Character likes: Sex, men, older men, fucking with people's minds, smoking, drinking, partying, chaos, challenges, not telling anyone the things she does, MDMA, spliff, shrooms, dancing
Character dislikes: Order, men her age or younger than her, behaving, playing by the rules
Character background:
Effy likes to say that she was born backwards, that she's someone who destroys everything they touch. She isn't someone who listens to order. If there's a place to be fucked up with a party, she'll be there. High—drunk—you name it. If she was somewhere, she hated not to be fucked up, even if it was in class. Sex. She also loves sex, especially with older men.
When Effy was born, she was born in Berlin to her German father and her English mother. They shared a small house with her older brother, Tony. Around the age of thirteen, her brother Tony had gotten hit by a bus and had to start everything from scratch—memory—writing—everything. This drove her parents to get a divorce as her father gave up on everything. The three of them, Tony, Anthea and Effy all moved to Bristol, England.
Father: Jim Kahn
Mother: Anthea Stonem
Siblings: Tony Kahn
Partner/Spouse: -
Children: -